Friday, January 7, 2011

life is amazing!

I am tired of seeing everyone complaining about ‘Oh I hate growing up, Oh I hate getting older’ etc. You know… I couldn’t care less about getting older, that’s what life is about. Life is about living, experiencing and adventuring. It’s about making mistakes that take you to great and not so great places. It’s about making, meeting and losing friends. Chasing and living dreams, succeeding and failing at reaching your goals. It’s about getting up every morning, knowing you can change the world, one day at a time- with as little as a smile, or as much as a small donation to someone less fortunate. It’s about living your life day by day, until one day, you’re 80 years old with grandchildren in their teens, and your wrinkly old partner sitting beside you still loving you dearly- all those many, many years of living life later. That is what it is to grow a year older, that is what it is to be okay with life… And me, I’m okay with my life!

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