Friday, December 3, 2010

cheat in exam

When cheating in an exam, the most important thing is not getting caught. So, how do you not get caught?

1) Don’t be nervous. Be confident. Have faith in your methods, know that you won’t get caught. If that’s the way you’re thinking about things, then you won’t get caught. Simple as that.
2) Don’t look around too much! Only look around when you really need to see if a teacher is near. If a teacher sees you looking around alot, that can make them suspicious of you.
3) When a teacher walks past, act calm. Pretend that you don’t care, and don’t look at them! - The look on your face can tell them alot of things. Just sit and look at your exam paper as if you’re thinking and pretend to write things down, then scribble it out after they walk past.
4) All in all, just be NORMAL. Be yourself.

You also need to know how not to cheat in exams. Below are a few examples of what not to do:

what kind of noob brings a mobile to an exam?

Well done, we’re sure noone will catch you.
 Pretty nice idea, but you’ll still get caught!

Passing notes. LOL. Not only you will get in trouble, but your “friend”.
Ok, so you probably know by now. Don’t be stupid. Be a smart cheater :D

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